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IVY Challenge

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
84 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 30, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

IVY Challenge

Dear friends, 

I want to ask you — if you’re able — to help a student right now by making your annual gift this year to The MCLA Resiliency Fund

Our students are hurting. So many have been presented with unforeseen financial challenges such as food insecurity, housing, technology, and other living expenses. YOU can help alleviate that stress.  

I wanted to share a note we received from a student who was granted emergency relief through The Resiliency Fund. She writes, "You will never understand the impending domino effect you helped stop and how truly thankful my family and I are, not only for the assistance, but more importantly, the compassion shown! THANK YOU!"  

As a previous donor to the College, I know you understand the powerful impact your support has on the lives of our students. Over 40% of our undergraduate students are first-generation college students, and over 45% receive Pell Grants; your support will aid us in providing stability and assistance to students during this difficult time. Our goal is to provide every student with the support they need to finish their degree without derailing due to the impact of COVID-19.  

If you can help financially, I hope you will. Through June 30, Adams Community Bank will match dollar for dollar every gift made, up to $10,000, doubling your impact! Student needs will continue to accelerate because of COVID-19. Your continued support is deeply appreciated!  

With gratitude for your support and understanding, 

Kate Gigliotti                                                                                                                                                                                                          Senior Director of Constituent Engagement


 Thank you to Adams Community Bank for generously supporting MCLA students through this 1:1 match!

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